
Wellring Organic Linden Honey - 500 gm

Wellring Organic Linden Honey - 500 gm

AUD $9.82

Product Information

What is organic honey?
Organic honey is natured, environmentally friendly, high-quality and safer to consume. To be organic honey it includes bee keeping quality, processing beehive, bee plants and the quality of the environment. It also includes product extraction, packaging, processing, storage and transport. Compared with conventional honey, organic honey emphasis more on the health of bees and its environment friendliness in the entire production, processing and consumption.

Why choose Organic Honey?
• Taste better as it maintain the original taste of food
• Control of pollution
• No genetically modified ingredients

WellRing Organic Linden Honey is collected by our honey bee from the flower of Linden tree. A rare species that can be found at northeast of China.

Colour: Clear Light Yellow

Taste: Fruity sweet, flowery and aromatic

Special Character: Tend to Crystallize over a period of time

Product Code8-888225-012969

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